Throughout the year, Club Members participate in opportunities to experience the value of community service. These activities give kids a deeper connection to the communities they live in, helping them feel the sense of belonging that comes with being impactful, and helping forge bonds with other Members.
By giving back, Club Members are supporting a community that supports that Club. ​This fall, Members raked leaves for community members as part of the United Way's "Make A Difference Day" in Wausau, Weston and Merrill.
Service is also an important part of several programs the Club offers, including Torch Club, a Boys & Girls Club leadership and character development "club within the Club." Board member and Torch Club advisor Butch Clay said, "Boys & Girls Club is a service organization giving back to the community, and it is teaching kids to give back to the community."
Throughout the year Club Members at all four sites participate in a variety of projects from hosting bake sales to making blankets to organizing clothing drives for other organizations.
Tory and Rachel like connecting with other Club Members through service projects. "It's a good way to make friends," said Rachel. "I like meeting other people," Tory agreed.
Tory and Rachel say they like working together with others. Many community service projects help Members develop communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills as they work together to plan and execute the projects. And of course, sometimes if just feels nice to do something for others.
"​I like the feeling of giving back to people," said Lisa, a Member who has worked on several different community service projects through the Boys & Girls Club. "I feel good when I do it."​