Club Families:
Thank you for an incredible summer with your Club Member(s)! June, July and August went by so quickly, it’s hard to believe school is back in session. Before we get too far into the swing of a new school year, we would like to ask for your feedback on our summer programming to help us strengthen the programs and services we provide to your Club Members and to your family. For the past three months our 35 youth development staff have provided over 605 hours of programming opportunities, chaperoned more than 165 field trips, cooked and served more than 15,000 meals and snacks, and made countless memories to last a lifetime. Would you please take a few minutes to complete a brief (we promise it is brief!) survey about your summer experience? Thank you for choosing the Boys & Girls Club as part of your summer plans.
This summer more than 500 young people registered for programs and in 2023 we will serve more than 1,600 kids and teens. The support we receive from our generous investors makes the programs, opportunities and services possible during the summer months and throughout the school year. Hundreds of individuals, foundations and corporations invest in the Club to ensure fees are less than $1.00 per day for the summer and about 11 cents per day during the school year. You can support the Club by making a donation today using the link below.
You can also support the Club by sharing this email and your experience with your friends, family, co-workers and employers.
Thank you for supporting the Club in whatever way is best for your family. We look forward to seeing you and your Club Member(s) this school year!
Thank you,
Kim Larsen